light-up coin drop prototype buckle
light-up coin drop prototype buckle

Made from REAL recycled arcade parts, a few salvaged electronic bits and 2 weeks of patient-waiting just to be home so i could make it.

When it is lit, looks just like you could drop a quarter in it and start playing Area 51!

Hit the jump for more images:

 © Copyright 2012 if Industries.

3 thoughts on “light-up coin drop prototype buckle

  1. Know what would be really nifty? If these came with a small card declaring the gaming rig the slot came from. Just a little something that said: "This belt used to be a Dig Dug Machine"

  2. Kevin, totally! a couple of the parts i just got have the name of the game they came from. a couple of them I kept the year or the game company… many have just been lost to the sands of time… what i do have i am passing on 🙂

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